2017 Rewind

Monday, December 11, 2017

YouTube does this "yearly rewind" every year. I've never watched it but it's probably about the best videos of the year? Maybe? Even if it's not, this blog post is. But instead of videos, I'm going to be sharing the best parts of 2017 that I experienced. Via blog post, obviously. So sit back and enjoy my year. 

In no particular order:

1) Disney World. I was very sad for a couple months before I went to (a planned trip) to Disney World. I was in a total funk. But after going to Florida, I found out why Disney was dubbed "The Happiest Place on Earth." My funk was gone and I had the time of my life. It was a family trip to never forget. 

2) Summerfest. This concert festival is something I've been to before, but I've never done a last minute road trip to it. Which is what I did. I texted my friend, Noe, if he could drive 2 and a half hours to Milwaukee because I had free tickets, then drive home the same night. Just so I could go and see a singer I liked, named James Arthur, perform. He said yes and even though that night was long, it was still so much fun. 

3) My birthday. I turned 24 this year and invited my coworkers to a birthday breakfast at Denny's. Surprisingly, they showed up even though it was 7:30 AM! I was honored because they brought me cake and balloons and I almost cried. I had my friend Lauren come visit me that day too, which I'm always so happy because she lives pretty far away. At night, we went to see Dunkirk with some of my other friends and even though we couldn't talk during the movie, my heart was so full of love for the people who came. I had the BEST day. 

4) My new job. I officially got a new job on February 25th and started March 1st. I wanted this job so bad and thought they wouldn't hire me because it's a fashion retail store and I'm neither fashionable nor pretty. BUT I GOT THE JOB!! And my coworkers are such amazing people and I'm so glad my manager hired them. I gained so many friends because of it. We have coworker bonfires, outings, goodbye dinners, secret Santa and so much more. I also LOVE, love my managers and the store I work at. I'm so glad I get to be a part of this little posse (also, these are only some of my coworkers. There's actually about 22 of them!)

5) My blog posts. I have 2 favorites in particular: the Style Like Me series and of COURSE my "Ladies All Across the World" girl power post. Which was my absolute favorite and it was also was my most viewed. I loved reaching out to fellow women and reaching out to women-run companies and blogs. It was so inspiring to me. As for my Style Like Me series, it brought together people and friends that I haven't seen in a while and I had the time of my life taking pictures of them. I can't reiterate how much I love taking pictures of people and I really got to show off my pictures in this series! Thank you to EVERYONE who participated in my blog this year. You're all the best. 

6) Friends. This was saved for the last because it's the nearest to my heart. From the craziest party I've ever attended, to wine nights in my backyard. I've reconnected with people, I've had friends visit me, and I've made many new friends. I always talk about friends but it's such a big part of my life and I will never stop talking about it. I'm honored so many people like me and tolerate me, to be honest. Thank you to the people who drank alcohol with me, who attended my cool as heck bonfire, who got dinner with me when I was feeling low. I will treasure you guys, no matter if you're an old friend or a new one. Always. Thank you. 

Now, I did a lot more in 2017, including attending my brother's high school graduation

 went to my first Friendsgiving, 

and submitted a video that was shown on Gurls Talk's instagram, to name a few.

 With my memory, it's hard to remember things so this post is for you guys but it's also for me, to look back upon. 2017 was the year that I was happy for the first time. Thank you to my family, friends and 2017. 

I can't wait until 2018. 
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Top 5 of Life: December

Saturday, December 9, 2017

Wow, it's been a while since I've did a top 5...sorry about that. I've been told by many people that this is their favorite part of my blog and I'M SLACKING, I'M SORRY!! But here's my top 5 of December (and maybe a bit of November...we'll see...)

1) Nice people on the internet. This is vague, I know, so let me explain. My brother, Cameron, is a special kid who has a hard time with social situations, which means he has a hard time making friends. Every year during Christmas time, I get some cards and gifts from friends and every time he asks "did I get any?" and he never does. So this year, he has been working his butt off at school and at his new job and I wanted to show that people care so I asked if people could send him Christmas cards this year. After I put out the memo about it, I got so many people messaging me, asking if they could send him a card. I got anxious/excited about it so I told Cameron that he was going to receive some cards (and I filmed his reaction!) and he is really thankful, even though he hasn't received any  yet since I JUST put out the memo. What he doesn't know is that he's going to be getting cards from all over the world, like Australia, Canada, France, and Belgium! I'M SO FREAKING EXCITED ABOUT THIS ALL!! I think I'm more excited than he is!! If you are reading this and would like to send a card to Cameron, I'll include my social media's below so you can message me! I live in the US, by the way!! Thank you ALL who are taking part of this, friend's or strangers, I'm so overwhelmed I might cry. I'll update after the holidays about the cards, too!!!

And if you liked to email, just copy and paste this into your email: Mhuibregtse@sbcglobal.net

2) Baking for coworkers. I started my dream retail job (is that a thing?) this past march. I commend my manager for hiring the best people I've ever met. My coworkers are my friends and some of them I never want to lose. So I decided to show them my appreciation by making them holiday cards and baking goodies for them. I worked hard on the goodies and I'm so thankful that they liked it when I gave it to them. I honestly think they liked the cards better than the baked goods, but I still had a fun time showing my love to them!

3) Mini road trips. I have never really driven more than an hour away from my home by myself. I think 10 minutes is far away. I know, I know, I'm a wimp. But my grandma lives a state away and it's about 2 and a half hours if I didn't get lost. I randomly had 4 days off in a row from work and decided to drive to her house by myself. I had to drive through a major city and it was terrifying and I got lost (it was inevitable, if you know me) but I made it! It was so much fun and I think my grandma really enjoyed me being there. I bought some Christmas gifts for people in her little tourist town by her house and ate the best mac and cheese I've ever had. And I didn't get lost when I drove home! I say the whole thing was a 'win'.

4) Harry Styles' concert. Ok, this is from September but I never wrote about it!! I'm the biggest Harry Styles fan EVER and 98% of people didn't get tickets to his small venue tour this year. BUT I DID (thanks to my friend, Mary). I literally got the last seat in the house, but it was small enough for me to have a good time, even though I was by myself. Harry is a great performer and if you get tickets for his tour next year, I promise you won't be disappointed! P.s. I waited by the backdoor of the theater to see him walk in and he waved at us and I got a video of it. I screamed a bit. 

5) Making shirts. I couldn't stay away. I'm back to making shirts. The other day, I was like "designing shirts is what I love to do. Why not start it again?" So I made another Etsy shop and put up some designs. My shirts are designed simplistically with fonts. Because simple is cool. I use lyrics or positive quotes on my shirts because having shirts that say "screw you" just isn't me. I'm still working on some more designs, but if you'd like to check them out, I'll link my Etsy account below!

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Style Like Me: Part 3

Friday, November 3, 2017

I decided to end this series on a big note: instead of putting two people in this post, I'm putting THREE PEOPLE (so in short, it will be a little bit longer post).  I just wanted to say thank you to everyone who took part in this series. I have a passion for taking pictures of people and asking cool questions and I got to do both for this. I hope I will have more upcoming photo series because I LOVE THEM! 


 1) How would you describe your personality? 
 My personality has shifted drastically as I have grown older. When I was younger I tended to be more on the shy introverted side. Now as a young adult I’ve realized that I still am pretty introverted when I am on my own but when I’m with a group of people I’m very social! I also like to think that I have some what of a good sense of humor. Laughing and joking is good for the soul so I try to share that part of me as much as possible with the people around me. 

2) How would you describe your style?

My style varies and shifts depending on my mood. I would consider myself a thrift store aficionado, therefor a lot of what I wear and influences  usually comes from thrift or second hand stores. If I were to describe my style it would be laid back, comfortable and cheap. Feeling comfortable in what I’m wearing influences my confidence and the way I carry myself throughout the day.  Many of my go to outfits for a typical day in my life would consist of comfy leggings and a band shirt. 

3) Do you ever connect your style to your personality?

 Personality serves as a huge influence on my style and goes hand in hand with who I am as a person. The way I dress allows me to make connections with people. Style creates a platform for the development of relationships and connections. We tend to gravitate towards people with the same likes and values and style plays a huge factor while making those connections. I can name countless occasions on where I’ve been stopped on the street for wearing band t-shirts that strangers can relate too. I usually tend to take advantage of those opportunities to spark a conversation and force myself out of my introverted nature. 

4) Name 3 things you love about yourself.

 I love my taste in music, my natural curly hair, sense of humor and how easily I can connect with people. 


1) How would you describe your personality?
I'm pretty laid back. Different environments and energies bring out different sides of me but for the most part, I stay chill. I'll sum it up: just listen to the song "Go" by Common. I try to keep that vibe in all aspects of life.

2) How would you describe your style?
My main thing is with how I dress. I just have to personally dig it and be comfortable. A denim jacket, a flannel shirt, Disney shirt, joggers and a pair of Converse. If I could do that every day, I would.

3) Do you ever connect your style with your personality?
I try to. It's funny, sometimes people I've met tell me I don't dress like how I would act. Depends though, if I have a guitar in my hand or I'm at the dance studio or at a coffee shop with a book, then the scene fits. 

4) Name 3 things you love about yourself.
I don't know if I could pinpoint. I love how one of my eyes is bigger than the other. I love hoe my head doesn't fit most hats. I love how buying pants is impossible. I love that I'm scared of frogs. I love that I dabble in too many hobbies. I love that I'm in love with Latina women. I love that I can't control my sweet tooth. I love that I feel too much. I love that I'm blessed with my all my struggles. I took a different take on this one. 


1.) How would you describe your personality?

I would describe my personality as quiet and more reserved. I tend to be very compassionate towards animals, mainly dogs in all honesty. I really like learning and reading. I'm a type of person that if I put my mind to it, I will make sure I achieve it. 

2.) How would you describe your style?

 My style varies most of the type. Sometimes I'll wear sweatpants and a t shirt. I go from sporty to girly and kind of a more gothic girly rather than colorful girly. I like skirts and dresses but on a regular basis I wear pants and sweats. 

3.) Do you ever connect your personality with what you wear?

I tend not to, because I usually don't feel confident enough to wear it. My personality and actual style never really match up since my personality to me, is more of a person and my style is another person and they're kind of opposites.  I wish I would be confident enough to wear something similar to my personality since it's so wild. 

4.) Name 3 things you love about yourself.

 I honestly really love how independent and responsible I tend to be.

I really love how much I tend to get into something, or have a really strong passion towards a book or a celebrity. 

The third thing I love about myself is actually my curly hair. It took me a really long time for me to be able to fully embrace and love my curly hair because people always pressured me to straighten it, telling me they didn't like it. It wasn't until I was in high school towards my junior year that I actually began to just leave my hair curly and noticed that people started loving it. I stopped caring about what other people though about my hair and started doing what I felt more comfortable with.


Again, this series is over for now and I am forever grateful for Mark, Melissa, Sarahy, Emily, Michelle, Cameron, and Natalie for helping me out. I appreciate you all.

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Style Like Me: Part 2

Monday, August 28, 2017

I was going to spread this series out, but you know me, I'm too excited to wait. I mean, I waited 17 days to post part 2, but I'M POSTING ANYWAY! I had a lot of fun taking photos of these ladies and they were dream volunteers. 10/10 would take pictures of them again. Enjoy their photos and their amazing individual personalities!!


1) How would you describe your personality?

 Probably very dark to be honest. Very passionate and sort of curious.

2) How would you describe your style?

 My style is probably just like an eclectic collection of different pieces and styles that I kind of mesh together. Some days I'm more girly and other days, I'm really boho, or some days I can be kinda witchy, autumn vibes. It sort of depends on the season and mood.

3) How do you connect your personality with your style?

Overall, it's just about mood and feeling. I think sort of like personality wise, my music taste really influences what I'm wearing or pop culture, the media, maybe sort of like a more indie, grungy side of that. I find a lot of inspiration from the alternative, loving side of me that I really put into my fashion.

4) What are three things that you love about yourself? 

Probably my eyelashes, my desire to know and gain knowledge, and I pride myself in my style so probably that. 


1) How would you describe your personality?

Hmm I think I would definitely describe my personality as "comfortable." I try to have a comfortable environment just because I don't like feeling stressed or upset. Anything that allows me to have the most easy-going situation, I'll do. I like to feel good, and have others around me feel stress free as well. Over all, I like having comfortable fun, in my house, drinking my wine, and watching a movie in peace. That's a good night for my personality!

2) How would you describe your style?

My style changes but I think I've gotten around to "go-to" looks I have. I certainly dress to feel comfortable. I love sweats, joggers, loose sweaters, leggings, you name it. I don't really go above and beyond with my outfits. I'm not gonna be walking around in skin tight clothes, or heels. When I do feel a little fancier, I go for a "60's" comfy mod style. I like turtlenecks and skirts and jean skirts and dresses and stuff that is nice and classy like a black suede skirt with a black turtleneck. So ya girl can get a little fancy hahaha

3) Do you ever connect your personality with what you wear?

FOR SURE!!! I dress the way I am because if I don't feel comfortable in my clothes, I most likely won't feel good all day. Even if I look like I rolled out of bed, i'm okay with that, as long as i'm comfortable.

4) Name 3 things you love about yourself?

girllll I love that I can eat an entire pizza from Little Caesars and be UNPHASED! hahaha. I love that i'm good at talking to people and having them talk to me. I like that about me. And I like that I can stand up for myself. I have little patience sometimes, and usually, when it comes to keeping my friends safe or happy, i'll try to speak up as much as I can.

*Thank you to Emily and Natalie for taking part in this series! You can follow my social medias for this blog (it's NOT my personal accounts. Just accounts for the blog to get the word out there lol) on the side of the page, or at the bottom if you're on a phone! If you like this series, make you sure you leave a comment below or you can suggest things for me to write about!!
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Top 5 of Life: August

Wednesday, August 16, 2017

For all those who are new to my blog, I like to write a monthly post about my 5 favorite things in my life and it can really be ANYTHING. It's a popular YouTube segment, but I decided to write about it instead! I hope you enjoy!

((These top 5's are also part of July but hey, who's paying THAT close of attention?))

1) Birthdays. Now, I know a lot of people hate birthdays and I did too, back when I was super sad about my life. Which was YEARS upon years of depression. I hated getting older. But after my 21st birthday which was one of my worst birthdays ever, I decided to enjoy them. My 22nd birthday had someone who was way more famous than me send me beautiful roses and it was amazing. My past birthday (on July 25th) was my 24th birthday was even better than my 23rd. I had a great full day of friends and laughter and lots of balloons and cake! I love birthdays. I really do. 

2) Dunkirk. Okay okay, just because Harry Styles is in it doesn't mean my opinion will change. I think it was an okay movie. Confusing in parts, boring in others, but by golly, the cinematography was GORGEOUS. I saw it in XD so the screen was massive, and the sky and the ocean were so crisp and that's really what I stared at half the time, how beautiful it was. The movie was 100% not Oscar worthy and Harry Styles didn't get a role where he should be nominated for an Oscar, but everyone did a fine acting job. It's just the beautiful nature scenes that should win ALL THE OSCARS. 

3) Going out to work on internet things. I love bringing my computer to little cafes, Panera Bread, or Starbucks and working on my blog there. It gets me out of the house and the environment is so relaxing to me. You can go with friends or by yourself (I've done both) but either way, eating and writing is a win-win to me. 

4) Panera Bread's agave lemonade. It's a Panera post this month, I guess. I've been going there a lot recently and just discovered their lemonade made with lemons, cane sugar, and agave nectar. Normally I stay away from "healthy versions" of things. Not because I don't want to be healthy, but because I'm VERY picky and I most likely will think it tastes bad. BUT THIS LEMONADE IS AMAZING. It honestly tastes like regular fresh squeezed lemonade. It's just a bit healthier. I recommend this drink to anyone who needs a cool refreshing summer drink. 

5) The blogging community. I'm less than a year into this whole new blog of mine (not counting my mental health blog I used to have), so I'm really a newbie. I just made a Twitter and an Instagram specifically for my blog (which does include some personal life tweets sometimes) but I only really follow other bloggers on these accounts. I had no idea there was a whole community of bloggers and how NICE they are! I have yet to encounter a rude blogger, although I do bet there is someone like that out here. I felt so welcomed by the community and ever since joining, my views on my blog have went WAY up. I'm very thankful for them and their open arms, even when I'm still new to all this! (My new twitter and Instagram is linked on this page! Follow me if you'd like!)
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Style Like Me: Part 1

Friday, August 11, 2017

I decided to start a series on style and personality because I find it really cool that in most people's lives, those two connect. Sometimes without even realizing it. As for me, I would say that I'm a funny and witty person who can't get enough music. As for my style, I own a lot of Twilight shirts and I wear band shirts on a weekly basis. You see how my personality connects with my fashion choices (albeit, I'm not high fashion)? I just find that so interesting for some reason. I also LOVE photographing people. Nature is cool to shoot, but taking pictures of people make me really happy. So, I decided to create this series, Style Like Me. The people who volunteered for this are REALLY awesome and I hope you guys enjoy reading about the people, seeing their individuality, and like the series as a whole! 



1) How would you describe your personality?

I would describe my personality as happy, positive and sometimes quiet. i definitely am an introvert. I dislike like being the center of attention which is weird because I'm a fashion blogger. I guess doing what I love pulls me out of my comfort zone and that's not a bad thing. 

2) How would you describe your style?

 I love mixing and matching things until I get what I'm looking for. I love trying new things. It's all about what makes you feel good and what you feel comfortable in.

3) Do you ever connect your personality with what you wear?

I definitely do, probably without even realizing it sometimes. I think that's what's so great about fashion, you can convey how you feel on the inside to match the outside. You really have ability to be yourself and probably is the reason why I gravitate towards clothes and fashion.

4) Name 3 things you love about yourself

 I would have to say if I could choose three things that I love about myself, it would be my ability to have a positive outlook on life. I think sometimes we all take life a bit too seriously and I think it's important to remember to find out what makes you happy. The second thing I would say is that I have such a great relationship with my family. Without them, I wouldn't be where I am today. My family is everything to me and what I cherish the most in this life. Lastly it would be my ability to love everyone. Maybe that is how I was raised but I always try to treat people the way I would like to be treated.

Follow Michelle on Instagram: X


1) How would you describe your personality?


2) How would you describe your style?

Whatever. Whatever I put on, really.

3) What do you love about yourself?

I'm good with video games. 

**To let everyone know, this is an on-going series that will come in multiple parts. I won't be posting them one after another, so you'll get some other posts in between them! Don't forget to follow by email to know when I post and comment at the bottom!!! **
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My Favorite Blogger: Zoe London

Saturday, August 5, 2017

I'm the first to admit, I'm not a big blog reader (SHOCK VALUE). I'll of course read the occasional blog but in all honesty, I just can't find my favorite. I enjoy La Femme Collective and The Debrief (which is England based) sometimes, but the rest is mainly fashion blogs that all look the same to me. I just thought I wouldn't ever find one I would like (besides mine...). Until Zoe London.

I actually don't remember when I started following Zoe on Twitter. I don't remember when I started following MOST people on Twitter. But I knew she was a DJ and made YouTube videos (where she has over 64 thousand followers). Every picture on Instagram and video on YouTube she would post just has such a good aesthetic quality that it's hard not to like. 

I then learned she had a blog too. I logged on to it and her tabs on top says she writes about fashion, lifestyle, food, beauty, music, travel and video. So really, she does it all. If I had money for all of what she does, I would love my life. 

In her 'Fashion' category, she has some tips on blogging, life, and fashion week posts. 

In her 'Beauty' category, she has reviews, tips, and cute hair posts.

In her 'Lifestyle' category, she has blogging questions that people wanted answers to, and posts about herself. 

In her 'Music' category, she posts about music festivals (many which sponsor her, which is any bloggers goal), and some DJ posts.

In her 'Travel' category, she talks about getting engaged, and her trips to different cities and countries (which is ALSO any bloggers goal. At least it's MY dream to travel).

In her 'Food' category, which really hasn't been updated in a year, has posts about food festivals and fun places she's eaten.

And lastly, in her 'Video' category, she has lookbook tips, hair dyeing videos, and her video series "Band Does My Makeup". 

So like I said earlier, Zoe has it all and does it all. If you need a new funky haired blogger, Zoe London is your girl.

Zoe's social media:
Zoe's Blog

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