YouTube does this "yearly rewind" every year. I've never watched it but it's probably about the best videos of the year? Maybe? Even if it's not, this blog post is. But instead of videos, I'm going to be sharing the best parts of 2017 that I experienced. Via blog post, obviously. So sit back and enjoy my year.
In no particular order:
1) Disney World. I was very sad for a couple months before I went to (a planned trip) to Disney World. I was in a total funk. But after going to Florida, I found out why Disney was dubbed "The Happiest Place on Earth." My funk was gone and I had the time of my life. It was a family trip to never forget.
2) Summerfest. This concert festival is something I've been to before, but I've never done a last minute road trip to it. Which is what I did. I texted my friend, Noe, if he could drive 2 and a half hours to Milwaukee because I had free tickets, then drive home the same night. Just so I could go and see a singer I liked, named James Arthur, perform. He said yes and even though that night was long, it was still so much fun.
3) My birthday. I turned 24 this year and invited my coworkers to a birthday breakfast at Denny's. Surprisingly, they showed up even though it was 7:30 AM! I was honored because they brought me cake and balloons and I almost cried. I had my friend Lauren come visit me that day too, which I'm always so happy because she lives pretty far away. At night, we went to see Dunkirk with some of my other friends and even though we couldn't talk during the movie, my heart was so full of love for the people who came. I had the BEST day.
4) My new job. I officially got a new job on February 25th and started March 1st. I wanted this job so bad and thought they wouldn't hire me because it's a fashion retail store and I'm neither fashionable nor pretty. BUT I GOT THE JOB!! And my coworkers are such amazing people and I'm so glad my manager hired them. I gained so many friends because of it. We have coworker bonfires, outings, goodbye dinners, secret Santa and so much more. I also LOVE, love my managers and the store I work at. I'm so glad I get to be a part of this little posse (also, these are only some of my coworkers. There's actually about 22 of them!)
5) My blog posts. I have 2 favorites in particular: the Style Like Me series and of COURSE my "Ladies All Across the World" girl power post. Which was my absolute favorite and it was also was my most viewed. I loved reaching out to fellow women and reaching out to women-run companies and blogs. It was so inspiring to me. As for my Style Like Me series, it brought together people and friends that I haven't seen in a while and I had the time of my life taking pictures of them. I can't reiterate how much I love taking pictures of people and I really got to show off my pictures in this series! Thank you to EVERYONE who participated in my blog this year. You're all the best.
6) Friends. This was saved for the last because it's the nearest to my heart. From the craziest party I've ever attended, to wine nights in my backyard. I've reconnected with people, I've had friends visit me, and I've made many new friends. I always talk about friends but it's such a big part of my life and I will never stop talking about it. I'm honored so many people like me and tolerate me, to be honest. Thank you to the people who drank alcohol with me, who attended my cool as heck bonfire, who got dinner with me when I was feeling low. I will treasure you guys, no matter if you're an old friend or a new one. Always. Thank you.
Now, I did a lot more in 2017, including attending my brother's high school graduation
went to my first Friendsgiving,
and submitted a video that was shown on Gurls Talk's instagram, to name a few.
With my memory, it's hard to remember things so this post is for you guys but it's also for me, to look back upon. 2017 was the year that I was happy for the first time. Thank you to my family, friends and 2017.
I can't wait until 2018.