Top 5 for January 2019

Saturday, January 12, 2019

I say this every single time, but top 5 posts are my most requested and I enjoy doing them. SO HERE I AM. Let's get right into the new year of things I love. 

1) Apricot Fig body oil. I got this from a friend for Christmas because we went to Target and she saw me eyeing it. It says on the bottle that you can use it for your hair and nails or put a few drops in your bath. I take baths when I'm stressed out or need time to relax and I put this incredible smelling oil in a bath and my skin has never been softer. I didn't shave my legs one time and it STILL made my legs the softest thing ever. A+ body oil. But this pains me to say: You can only get it in store and it was a Christmas gifting item that Target had on their white shelves. Even on, it says not available. But if it comes around this Christmas, I'll let you all know!

2) Popcorn tins. So, you remember those round tins full of 3 types of popcorn that would only be around for Christmas? I thought they went away. Turns out, I was blind. I bought myself a tin this year for $5 and my brother also bought me a tin so I am FULL of popcorn. But I'm excited to empty it so I can use it for storage. It may look junky as a storage container, but it WORKS.

3) Lush hair mask. I'm not a huge Lush fan because it's kind of pricey and the nearest store to me is too far for me to travel to for fun, but my friend gave me a Lush hair treatment this year for Christmas and I was thrilled. It looked weird as in it was a stick with a lump of clay looking stuff at the end. But per directions, I put the stick of clay in hot water, waited until it melted, then rubbed it through my hair. I waited 30 minutes (I took a bath while waiting) then rinsed out the mask and shampooed WITHOUT conditioner. My hair was so extremely soft, even when wet. When it dried, I had the silkiest mane in all the land.
(Here's the link with all the info XX)

4) Twilight Soundtrack. Okay, make fun of me, I don't care. But the soundtrack to the first Twilight film rocks. I lost it years ago with tons of my other CDs and I asked for it as a gift. AND I GOT IT. Thank you to my brother. It's more of a rock/pop CD with some other interesting songs but it's so nostalgic and brings back such good memories from when the movie came out...ANYWAY, it's a great album. 

5) Breakfast with friends. This may sound simple and kind of "blah", but it's my favorite thing to do. I've gone out with people from work, girls from high school that I haven't talked to in years, and so many other friends. I feel like when I have tons of coffee in me, the conversation doesn't stop flowing and it really makes me happy. Breakfast really brings people together and I'm not sure why...BUT IT DOES.

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Review: Weighted Blanket

Friday, January 4, 2019


  I work a retail job for a big chain company. I also answer the phones for a couple hours so when customers call, I help them. I got too many calls during this holiday season to see if we had certain items in stock. The two most popular? Air Pods and weighted blankets. We sold out of those at 7 am on Black Friday and barely got them restocked. Both of them. (By the way, if you want the most popular items of the season, don’t wait until Christmas Eve. That’s just me, though.) 

              My younger brother’s birthday is December 1st and just like me, he deals with some anxiety. My mother decided to get him a weighted blanket, because what the blanket does is puts weight on top of you to make it feel comforting and it’s suppose to be a soothing effect to calm anxiety. The blanket is filled with tiny crystal balls to make it heavy. You’re suppose to get a blanket that weighs 10% of your body weight so my mom got my brother a 20 pound blanket. She also didn’t get it from my work because we were, like I said, sold out. She got it on Amazon. (Oh! And just a tip if your going to buy one, buy a duvet cover to go over it because you can’t wash the actual


My brother was excited to get it and my mom was even more excited for him to use it. 
 I decided to ask my brother the other day if I can borrow the blanket to maybe try and write a review on it. To see if I, MYSELF, like the blanket. I know they’re kind of expensive, so I promised him I would take good care of it and I would bring it back when I was done. So after a night out with a friend, when I got home, I dragged the 20 pound blanket to my room and tried to go to sleep.
First thing I found out, it doesn’t really keep out the cold too well. I had to use other blankets because where I live, I need them. I kind of just laid there, adjusting to the feeling of this heavy thing covering me. I eventually went to sleep but had a restless night.

(Here's a bad picture of me with the blanket on top)

 During the night I had to adjust the blanket of off me because it’s hard to explain, but it was just kind of...too much. I woke up again later and put it back on. I don’t know if it was too heavy, even though me and my brother were the same weight pretty much, but I woke up in the morning and I didn’t have the best night. I sat in my bed and realized that I was used to the heaviness by now but it really didn’t help me sleep one bit. 

 I do have to say, both my brother’s and my anxiety usually happens in the day, not at night. I know many people who wake up at 2 am with anxiety attacks and maybe this blanket will help them better than it helped me. But as for my personal review, I think the weighted blanket isn’t worth the price. My brother enjoys it now that’s he’s had it for a while and I just hope that it helps other people feel a sense of calmness because it didn’t really work for me.

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