If you've been following me on social media, you already know this, but if you haven't heard: I WENT TO NEW YORK CITY!
The city of lights, the fashion capital, the city that never sleeps, the Big Apple. You get the gist.
(This city definitely sleeps, FYI.)
I couldn't wait to write these next couple of posts of what I've learned from being in New York City for the first time and what I did on my trip. Also, I took some great pictures on this trip and I have to share them!
I have no idea when I said to myself "New York City, let's do it", but I apparently did last year sometime. I told my travel buddy, Noe, and he was on board right away. He hadn't been to NYC ever either. I planned an actual itinerary this time since last time we took a vacation to Las Vegas, I didn't plan the best...so I used Pinterest, Google, and friendly recommendations and I was off to the races with planning. I used the app, Trip It, which is VERY recommended by me and my family. I put in my flight details, my event ticket conformations, and my hotel times, all on one place. I love that app.
I packed a suitcase with extra wiggle room for things I would buy in New York. I always check a bag because I stay somewhere for a few days or more. I never quite reach the 50 pound luggage limit, but I'm always so nervous that I will. (EXTRA LUGGAGE ROOM IS KEY ON FUN VACATIONS! YOU NEED THOSE SUVENIORS/CHRISTMAS GIFTS!)
The plane trip was smooth and when we got there, we stayed in Queens, NY because if we flew the next day instead, we would have paid $500 more for the flight. We saved that money by flying in a day ahead and staying in a hotel semi-close to the airport. Queens wasn't an ideal place to stay and the room was barely big enough for the both of us. Noe and I went and got our first ever New York pizza in a small, cramped place called Amore. My God, it was DELICIOUS. You, of course, need to fit in by folding your pizza in half, then eating it. A New York tradition and if you don't do it, you definitely stand out as a tourist. I got 2 big slices and it cost $8. I was hoping for the famous 99 cent slices, but not in Queens.
The next day, we got to our NYC hotel in South Times Square. And by that they mean a 10 minute walk to actual Times Square. I stepped out of the Lyft (which are cheaper than Ubers in the city, which is a hot tip for you) and the first thing that hit me was the smell. New York City smells pretty bad. There is trash and sewage everywhere and the smell is just...terrible in some places. I really didn't expect that. Chicago is so clean and smells fine so this city smell was new. "They just get used to it probably" Noe told me.
Our hotel was adamite on not letting us check in early. I don't know if that's a New York thing because even Las Vegas will give you a room early sometimes. The staff at our hotel wasn't very nice, but I have been told that New Yorker's are usually ruder than most people (which, by the way, isn't completely true, but it's not NOT completely true...) Our room was very nice though and I'm surprised how I got such a nice one, honestly. Before we checked in, we left our luggage at the hotel and explored the city and a cafe for a bit. I took the first city picture of the trip because I was all starry eyed at the first big buildings I saw.

The cafe we went to had a 45 minute time limit and I learned a lot of places have time limits. A strange thing for paying customers, but I guess they just want people in and out. I got a hot lavender latte and Noe got a coffee and he told me it was the best one he had on this trip (and we drank a good amount of coffee). Old Country Coffee had SO many different coffee options and flavors and it's 100% recommended by me and Noe!
We then went to the Hudson River to kill some time. It was a huge walking/running path but there were no beaches or fun parts to take pictures at, really. I mean, it is pretty dirty water, so I guess I get the beaches part. Who really wants to swim in a river? But it had a water fill up station and that was pretty cool.

After finally checking in at 3 pm to our hotel, we unpacked a bit then explored some more. We found a beautiful building that we had no idea what it was but took pictures on the bird-poop ridden stairs anyway.
Madison Square Garden was the next street over from our hotel so of course we went
I then stopped in my tracks while walking the street. THERE IS SUCH A THING AS 99 CENT PIZZA! I actually went to that pizza place by myself one night and it was not that great. Queens made way better pizza (sorry, not sorry).
That night, we went to a close Irish Pub called
Jack Doyle's and had NO idea there was a football game that night. I also had no idea why everyone was dressed in Minnesota Vikings gear...we were in New York...but these Vikings fans were nuts. I enjoyed my Angry Orchard, my iffy Bangers and Mash, and got the heck out of that noise. Noe loved it. I thought it was an aggressive place.
That night, we chilled in our room, listened to music, and watched the sunset through our hotel window. It was so beautiful and I captured it in a great photo (says me)
I wrote too long of a post already, so I'll be splitting up my NYC posts for everyone. I don't want to overwhelm you! I'll end this off with some thing I've learned from the city:
*If I were to be injured or killed on NYC, it would be because of a bicyclist. I don't care who you are, you are not more important than people who are walking.
*As I said before, that place is stinky. There are some spots, like Times Square, that don't smell like poop, but if it doesn't smell like trash, it smells like weed. The weed smell is overwhelming and I just got so tired of smelling it.
*Get the unlimited subway card for a week. It's cheaper than buying an each day pass and it's only $34. I felt a lot more comfortable just swiping and going without having to pay $9 each day.
Stay tuned for the next NYC post!!