WHERE IN THE WORLD IS CARMEN SANDIEGO MEGAN HUBREX?!? Good question. Now, let me start by saying how sorry I am that I haven't been on here much. I feel like I've been so busy! I also feel like I don't have anything on here to write! I'm out of ideas (for now). If anyone has anything they want to read about, let me know!
So I decided to tell you why I've been absent! Here's a look into my life:
1) Number 1 is obviously my book. I've been selling, signing, and talking up my book everywhere. AND I HAVE MY FIRST EVER TALK THIS MAY! I wrote a 15 minute speech about my life and my journey writing my book. I'm so excited! At first I was like "15 minutes?! That's way too long, how am I suppose to talk that long?" Then one day, I had 4 cups of coffee, sat down, and wrote that darn speech. I think it's pretty good! We'll see in May, I guess!
2) My portfolio is a big reason why I'm busy. So, I really want to get into website design with the subject of fashion. I just want to make fashion websites, really. I have a specific job in mind and they need me to have film, photo, and website building background. I'm working on my photo portfolio right now. I love the subject of humans so I've been taking many pictures. Here are some:
3) Work. There's really not an explanation for this one. You guys get it.
4) Traveling! I've been to 3 states since February of this year. 2 were for fun. I went against my fear of driving far and went on 5 hour road trip to my friends house and it was such a great time. I would definitely do it again EVERY WEEKEND (if I could).
So you see? I haven't been neglecting this blog, I've just had a lot going on! I hope you understand!
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