FALL IS HERE!! Where I live, it definitely feels like fall, but it took until the middle of October to do so. I really do love fall, though. The nice breeze during the days, the crisp mornings, I don’t know, I just love it
all. So I decided to make a podcast/post for my top things I love about fall. I’ll put link and pictures where applicable!
1) Pumpkins. More specifically, pumpkin SEEDS. Now, I couldn’t care less about
carving pumpkins. I kind of find that boring. But I will gut those pumpkins to get the seeds. I love, LOVE, eating pumpkin seeds. Cooked, of course. But holy cow are they good. And good FOR you! Everyone has different recipes,
for example my dad, who dries out the seeds overnight before he cooks them. I’ll put my favorite (and easiest) recipe below. Be careful to put exact amounts of oil (or a little less!!!!) because I put too much in last year and let me tell you, my stomach was mad at me...
(P.s. I use garlic salt as a seasoning. It's amazing tasting. AND make sure you wash your seeds in a bowl of water to get some of the pumpkin gunk off!)
2 1/2 cups pumpkin seeds
1/4 cup canola oil
1 tsp garlic powder
Preheat oven to 375°F. Stir pumpkin seeds, oil and seasoning until the seeds are evenly coated. Pour seeds onto a greased baking sheet with sides. Roast seeds for 30 minutes, stirring every 10 minutes, or until golden and crunchy.
1/4 cup canola oil
1 tsp garlic powder
Preheat oven to 375°F. Stir pumpkin seeds, oil and seasoning until the seeds are evenly coated. Pour seeds onto a greased baking sheet with sides. Roast seeds for 30 minutes, stirring every 10 minutes, or until golden and crunchy.
2) Stranger Things (and other fall shows). I don’t watch the actual television
but I sometimes watch Netflix and the show Stranger Things always comes out in October and I LOVE that show, because I’m a si-fi geek a lil’ bit (fun fact). But this year on Netflix, the Sabrina reboot is happening
in October and wow am I excited. It isn’t your family friendly Sabrina the Teenage Witch reboot, it’s really dark looking and it looks spooky and I’m ready to binge it as soon as it comes out!
3) Sweaters. I’m going to put the dumb song, Sweater Weather, underneath this number because I’m tired of it BUT I can’t say the phrase “sweater weather” without singing
the song in my head. But I DO love the fall weather because I look so good in sweaters, if I can toot my own horn. And I like light long sleeves and I don’t have to bundle up my face during this fall chill, so yes, sweater weather is one of my favorite things.
4) Warm Drinks. I am obsessed with hot apple cider and granted, I can drink that in July, too,
but it’s best in fall for some reason. It tastes LIKE fall. Which obviously is just a Megan thing because fall is not a food. I also really like the Salted Caramel Mocha Frap at Starbucks. It’s a “fall only”
drink they come out with and they sprinkle salt on top of the drink and the mix of salty and sweet is heavenly.
5) Halloween. I obviously am obligated to put this on the list, but Halloween is actually my favorite holiday. I love dressing up and I haven’t been to a Halloween party since I was a junior in
high school so I just dress up for myself and when you go to Chipotle you get a cheap burrito if you dress up so that’s cool (except this year they raised the burrito prices for Halloween and I'm slightly upset). But I dress up as a celebrity every year and this year I’m very excited for my costume.
WHAT WILL MEGAN BE??!?! You shall find out after October 31st!!!
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