
Saturday, January 2, 2021



I'm sure this year will be at least slightly better than last's hoping and wishing! 

Someone asked me on December 31st what my new years resolutions are. I honestly never make them, because I know myself. I break promises with myself all the time (although, I never do it with other people. I should work on that...) But I told her what came to my mind and she shared some personal goals with me, too, and it was really touching. 

I decided to make a post on my resolutions because maybe then I'll stick to them? Question mark?

So here we go, a short post, in no particular order!

1) Saying Sober. So many people have read my last post about Dry January (one of my biggest reads on this blog EVER) and I made a podcast episode about how I'm doing so far. For those who don't listen to podcasts, I'll break it down: I started December 26th and when writing this, it is January 2nd. Exactly a week without something I used to do every night. It's harder than I thought, and I hope I make it through January. A lot of people tell me I'm "crazy" for trying to cut out drinking, and I'm not a huge fan of hearing that. I just don't want it to go farther than it was going and ruin my life. Is that so bad? Anyway, it's been a week of me in my room at night, triggering some kind of senses, and wanting to chug vodka. BUT I HAVEN'T BOUGHT ALCOHOL YET! So my resolution is to stay sober as long as I can!

2) Plan Better. I'm an awful planner. It's weird because I have a schedule and you have to usually be on my schedule for me to hang out (pre covid) or have a zoom date (during covid). "Go to the post office" or "Work at 5:30" is ALL on my calendar. But for some reason, I have a hard time planning, which I swear is totally different. I do some things on whims and that's not always smart. For example, I want to release my new paperbacks at the end of January, but I get SO impulsive too many times where I'm like "it's January 2nd! I'LL RELEASE THEM NOW!" 

So I bought a little planner and a weekly sticky note pad where I write things out!

(My favorite weekly planner. From the new collection Noted collection at Target)

(This planner comes with cute stickers and enough space to write things! A Target find!)

I've only had them for a less then a week so far and I'm loving the sticky notes so much. I have crossed out things I need to get done as I get them done early, which might defeat the purpose of writing them on certain days, but oh well! 

 3) Have my book tour go well. Now, this isn't particularly a resolution, just a wish I'm putting out there. I think half of this falls under "plan better" but the other half is me working my butt off. I shouldn't be so nervous or scared because the people attending are there to see me talk about things, which is an honor. But here I am, BEING NERVOUS. 


I could never do the whole "go to the gym all the time" or "spend less money", because like I said, I wouldn't do it. Although the money thing is something I need to work on, too...

I hope this year brings happiness in your life! Thanks for reading this lil' old blog! 

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