Top 5 // September 27th, 2016

Tuesday, September 27, 2016

I have some new people on here, so to recap to you what Top 5 is, it's everything I'm enjoying at the moment. It can be items, places, anything really!

1) Somebody Else music video by The 1975. (This number is kind of late, bear with me). The band, The 1975, are incredibly nice people (trust me) and they put on the heck of a show (I've seen them live twice). When the lead singer, Matty Healy, was performing at the most recent concert of theirs I attended, I couldn't help but stare up at him like a God. I was also 3rd row, so I literally had to stare up....Now, their music videos are always entertaining to watch. Their newest one, Somebody Else, is taken off their newest album. At first when I saw it was 8 minutes I was like "nahhh. Too long to watch." WHAT WAS I THINKING!??! I LOVE THIS BAND. So I finally watched it and it was GOOD. As it was going on, I was entertained, and then at the end of it, I audibly said: "Ohhhhh!" There is simple plot twist at the end that I honestly wasn't expecting. I love videos that tell a story. And this one hits it on the head with everything I enjoy.

2) Clock and Candle soaps. If you follow me on social media, you probably have seen me promoting them but I assure you that I am not being sponsored by them. I just think they're great (even if I have known one of the owners since middle school). It's a team of 2 hardworking people who hand make Disney inspired soaps. Even if you're not a huge Disney fan (AKA me), the smell of the soaps are enough to keep me buying more. I also am in love with the different designs that they create in the soaps. They're unique and cute. I have already bought a holiday gift for a family member from them and I assure you that I will by more.

3) Cedarburg's Wine and Harvest Festival. I understand that everyone can't make it to Wisconsin to attend this festival every September, but those that do, it's great, huh??! To give a simple low-down on it, you walk down streets and streets where booths of crafts, food and drink are surrounding you. There are booths of everything, really: handmade jewelry, shirts, outdoor and home decor, vintage items, baby merchandise, felt crafts, American girl outfits, kettle corn, blonde root beer stations, and lots of lots of food and alcohol booths. I actually got something called 'mule' for the first time, which was a drink that consisted of pinto grigio, apple, cranberry, and ginger beer. It was good but they didn't juice the cranberry's and I am NOT a fan of seeds in my drinks...anyway, I bought a beautiful handmade wire ring, sassy socks, kettle corn, and a big geode from the Gem Shop they have there. I DO have to warn people, there are thousands upon THOUSANDS of people who attend the two days and I know a lot of people who have panic attacks in groups of people. I would not advise this festival for people who are not good with crowds. But if you're fine in crowds, you should definitely attend this fest at least once (and it's only 30 minutes outside of Milwaukee!)

4) Portable chargers. This one is something that is really old but I'm suddenly obsessed with. I got a portable charger as a gift from my mom and I never opened it because I dismissed it as something that "probably wouldn't work very well." I FINALLY opened it since I was going on a road trip, put batteries in it, charged it up, and plugged it into my iPod. It immediately started charging my iPod and I was in awe. I thought it was the coolest thing and I'm not quite sure why. But now I bring my portable charger everywhere. It came in handy at a concert recently too. If you don't have one and you're going somewhere where there is no charge outlet, I suggest a cool as heck portable charger.

5) Teen Wolf. This TV series started in 2011 on MTV and I'm pretty late in the game but I recently found an actor named Daniel Sharman who I was instantly in love with. I then searched what shows he was in and lo and behold Teen Wolf was his claim to fame. I started the series from the beginning and now I'm on season 3 and can't stop. I do feel like the show is already dragging on a bit, but as long as Daniel is in it for now (he's only in 30 episodes), I'm content. The final season of Teen Wolf is coming up or maybe it already aired a bit, I'm not sure. But what I AM sure of, is that it starts off really cheesy but it gets better. I swear. (P.s. Daniel plays Isaac, the guy on the far left)

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