Review: Tanologist Self Tan Water

Tuesday, June 4, 2019

I would like to just come out and say it: I have never tanned before. Except when I went to Miami in 2018 and my body burned so badly that I still have a line from my bathing suit a year later. Other than that, not a drop of tanner has touched my ghost-colored body. Why haven't I even tried before? I really have no idea. 

But all that has changed. 

I follow Lottie Tomlinson on social media and have for years. I have always loved seeing her endeavors and admired her beauty, inside and out. So when she came out with self tanning products, I of course wanted to support her. Since I'm from the US, I knew she recently launched some of the line at Target so I went right away to get what I could.

The face drops were already sold out and so was the mousse and I really didn't want to wait for a restock, so I grabbed the light tanning water and checked out. I went home right away, shaved my legs (because that needed to be done probably 3 months ago...don't judge me...), and then read the back of the Tanologist bottle because I had no idea what I was doing. 

It said to spray onto dry skin, use a tanning mitt to rub it on with circular motions, then shower 1-4 hours after application. 

I took a before picture of my legs (to let you know, I didn't paint my toenails and I'm allergic to mosquitos so my foot is red from a bite. I'M SORRY.) (These pictures aren't really aesthetically nice and I apologize, but they are real).

I sprayed a good amount on my legs until it was dripping a bit then started  to rub my legs in circles. The bad part was, Target doesn't sell tanning mitts so I used my hand. I know, not the smartest. The other dumb thing I did? I didn't rub any water on the tops of my feet...I DIDN'T KNOW. Make sure you include the tops of your feet! 

I waited 15 minutes until I laid on my bed and waited. And waited. After 4 hours passed, no color showed. I was confused. I DM'd Tanologist on Instagram and asked what I should do. Should I have gotten a darker color of water? Or should I wait longer? They didn't respond before I went to bed (which I get because they're in England. Time zones are different!) and my mom said to sleep with it on. So I did. 

When I woke up, I was surprised at my legs. I saw some color but lots of patches. Checked my phone and Tanologist responded and said to keep it on overnight for more color. So I was set. I took a shower right after, hoping to get rid of the really dark patches. I then noticed the back of my ankle. It looked like streaks ran down my legs. But I know I rubbed it in and I waited a while until it dried. Not sure what happened and it didn't come all the way off in the shower, just the surface of it did. 

Other than that, color definitely showed up on my legs! Some people couldn't really see it as much as I could, but then I pointed out the line on my feet and THEN they saw it. But my legs were no longer blinding! It was such a subtle difference, but I noticed. 

(OMG LOOK HOW WHITE MY FEET ARE!! But it shows that I got color!)

I decided to make some bullet points of things I've learned from all of this:

* Tanologist water smells AMAZING. It just smells so...clean. 10/10 on the smell department. 

* The water is definitely a build-able product. If I kept it up, the color would show even more (they say it lasts about 5 days and every 3 days to put more on to upkeep it!)

* 2 days after having it on, it was a nice color. The patches on my knees were gone and it was very smooth looking

*It says to wash your hands right after application, but to be honest, it wasn't messy! I of course washed my hands, and the little bit on my hands came right off!

*Check out the Tanologist Instagram! It gives you everything you need to know about the product and I wish I checked it out first. Even for newbies, they tell you it all!

All in all, I really enjoyed this product. I would love to try the mousse version, too! The parts that went wrong could definitely be on my part, since I was so new to it. Every time I contacted them, they really were SO nice, which always makes me feel good about buying a product! I'm going to put links below to Tanologist, which I think tanning enthusiasts should 10000% try!

Tanologist Instagram: XX
Tanologist Website: XX
Tanologist products on XX

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