My Review of Jawbreaking

Wednesday, May 11, 2016

I have a (semi) history with a small online clothing company called Jawbreaking. In 2014, I saw a band member where a shirt that I immediately fell in love with. I asked about it on Twitter and my friend, along with Jawbreaking, responded.

I bought 2 shirts, the lips one and another one that Zayn Malik wore years ago (he didn't wear the actual shirt, just the design!!!) 

The Zayn one, even though it was an XL, was very tight so I never actually got around to wearing it. It's one of those shirts that are most likely in junior sizes, even though it's for 'women'. It's just sitting in my closet, somewhere.

Fast forward to March 2016 and I still loved Jawbreaking. They had a really cute design that said "boy bands ruined my life" that I loved but didn't have money at the time and they're the type of company that sells things but rarely get them back once they sold out of them. Which is a shame because I'd love to buy that shirt now that I have money. 

Then, Jawbreaking suddenly had a "mystery grab bag" sale that I saw where they give you 4 shirts for $25. I was all in. All in all, I spent $32 for 4 shirts. Which is TOTALLY not bad. 

So I waited for my shirts. And waited. And waited. AND WAITED. It said on my receipt email to wait at least 5-10 days for grab bag items, since they have been swamped with orders, which was fine, I was in no rush. 

10 days past with no shipping email conformation.  15, then 20 days past and I finally decided to email them to make sure I was still getting my package. They emailed me back very promptly and friendly to say that they were still swamped with grab bags and they'll send it out in a week. 

A week passed, no email. Finally, after 2 months of no shipping email, I emailed once more, and I gave them an ultimatum: please send out my items by this week, or give me a refund. 

They once again responded in a very nice manner, apologizing, and even gave me a $15 gift card to their store (which they don't have anything less than $15, so you're still going to be paying them SOMETHING.) They also said to expect a shipping email by the end of the day and they're going to ship it via 2 day shipping to say sorry.

I thought the gift card was very nice of them and I bought something right away. But alas, no email by the end of the day for my grab bag. The next day comes around, and it's now May, and I FINALLY GET MY SHIPPING CONFORMATION EMAIL!!! It was like winning a prize. 

I  ordered a bracelet that said "internet princess" on it (because honestly, that's me) with my gift card and the next day, I got a shipping conformation email for that too.

I got the bracelet in the mail before my grab bag (which by the way, turned my skin green. I'm not terribly mad, but isn't there something you can do to coat it to make it not turn green....?) but  I was terribly confused? I keep checking the tracking code for my grab bag and for 8 days, my grab bag has been in "pre-shipment". They haven't even really shipped it yet. I'm planning on giving it two weeks, then emailing them about it again. While writing this, it's STILL IN 'PRE-SHIPPMENT'.

One thing is for sure, I will not be ordering from the company again until something changes. I hate making posts like this, because I want everything to be happy, and I DID really appreciate the person I talked to via email, but I don't want other people to go through what I did. It's such a hassle and honestly, a little bit of a headache. 

Great products, nice people,  but a less than satisfied customer. 


  1. omg i been struggling with them too!! i though i was the only one!! they email me with the same thing of "2 day shipping". but is been 2 weeks and nothing. the person who email me sign it Ree. i really don't know what to do, is been 3 months and i am still waiting..

    1. I'M SO SORRY, I NEVER SAW THIS!! But I hope you got your items! I got mine, plus a sweater to "make up" for their problems. Still never ordering from them again, though.
